Sunday, September 7, 2008

Miss America Runs Again!!

She is back and running!! I finally got a thermostat for my electronic fan and an air filter and she is back and running. A little sluggish cause really, she hasn't been turned on in about two months... Ugh. Once that fan started you can imagine me doing a celebratory dance!! I also had a celebratory Fanta.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pat, on a Forklift

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now employed at Home Depot. I will be working in the lumber department. The specific one I'll be working at is the store in the Quarry. I know that some of you know where that is, it's in Minneapolis. Right now I'm sitting in front of a computer learning things from animations and little videos. It's kinda fun, but I haven't had this much screen time since I played WoW, so my eyes hurt a little. But you can bet your bag of gold that these tests are totally pwn'd!